Wednesday, September 18, 2024

How to share The Good News of The Gospel?

A heartfelt conversation with a dear Sister online recently.
Sis, I live in india. I'm extremely saddened that I've learnt of the Bible truth that billions will go to hell. I want to love and care for all people. I dont know how and I'm sad worried and fearful. We are all sinners. We have all failed. We all need god's grace and mercy. I want everyone to be in heaven with me one day. Including my enemies. (If any). I shudder to imagine the lost going through the 7 year tribulation period on earth where God will pour out His Holy Wrath on the wicked. Getting beheaded by the antichrist for their faith if they realise their folly or spending an eternity in hell in trauma, if they still don't wake up to God's Holy Truth. A Horrible time that would be.

I Love my country, it's rich culture and the ancient teachings and my upbringing. Took me years to go from hating the name of Jesus Christ to literally falling in love with Him in 89-90. I'm a born again Christian (but still a legal Hindu citizen). God sees our heart and intent and renewal of our mind and not our legal earthly status.

This is one of the reason why Christians and Christian Missionaries are hated and attacked and blamed for Converting people's religion in developing countries. And this is sadly true.

People are so poor in extreme poverty and lost and without hope on the planet. Unlike the west. 6 hundred million human beings live under 3 dollars a day.

In India, the poor are not treated as human beings. They are attacked, abused and disallowed to even visit temples of their own faiths and their daily existence is deplorable. Then suddenly these Christian missionaries, 'holy men of God', turn up and offer miracles and healings and speak in heavenly tongues (wow) and give our free meals, free food, free blankets and clothing and dump Bibles on these lost broken souls.
(Which they don't understand, read or care about).

What do you think will happen? The huge  multitudes of poor, in villages and small towns, gratefully lap up this fake love being shown to them, humbly and excitedly accept these free gifts and become Christians in one hour. The ending is the best part. That pastor in his next sermon, gloats and flaunts and shares 'this video' in the Western Christianity World as a holy work of God, an amazing God led revival where hundreds and thousands of non believers accepted Jesus Christ in one day. This is what you all see in the Western world.

Amazing? It's sadly disgusting. God is not mocked. So please do not be deceived. Use prayers and discernment in giving and supporting ministers, missions and pastors.

Tithes offerings and giving is a 6 Trillion Dollar a year industry/tax exempt business. That's why Jesus said God or money.

For example, a Rohit Mehta is converted to Rohit Johnson? Taught to behave Holier than thou and unsocial with wrong theology, doctrine and the Prosperity gospel. God will uplift you. Give you loads of money and fame. He will heal you and bless you. Signs and miracles will happen in your life. This is so sick, absurd and not Biblical. No wonder Christians are hated worldwide.

It's The battlefield in india and the rest of the world. Thousands of faiths and religions. Sharing The Bible in Western Christianity is way way different and so socially easier then in these nations.

Ray comfort must be doing wonderful work. But I feel that logic sadly doesn't work in the battlefield in developing countries. I can't go to a non believer here and say..( These are the 10 commandments... Sins....You are guilty... Eternity in hell... Choose Jesus... And in a half hour conversation, the person accepts doesn't work. At all). The non believers will laugh and scorn at this style.

Yet sadly, in the western world, where persecution is hardly an issue... social media and Christianity channels and Christian TV portray this style of gospel sharing and you all think wow... It's not wow.  

There it is shown that a pastor or teacher or preacher did a sermon, made an altar call and 5,000 non believers professed faith and became Christians in one day!!! Wow. Really? Not at all real in the real world. Go meet any of those 5,000 people after a week, ten days, a month and see their state of mind and life and faith. Was it a genuine Belief call or the music, the moment, the pressure, or copying what others were doing that moment. This is a point to ponder. God alone knows each soul and we should not judge anyone's salvation.

We have a role to play in the real world. Share the gospel. Answer questions upon questions to clear the doubts of the non believers. Call them. Follow up with them. Show (fake it if the need be) being the salt and light in the world so to impress them... Wise as a serpent and loving as doves. Then they think about a salvation decision. Then they choose freely to decide on Christ. Then The Holy Spirit works on them.

In my humble opinion, a salvation decision by a non believer takes time, depending on the persons mindset, the social background, his/her genuinely seeking for the truth, and willingness to find answers on salvation and God. It could take a week. A month. Months sometimes or years.

I have many personal testimonials.  

I spend nearly 8 months with a 40 year old Hindu lady and we meet regularly and after 100's of questions and answers sessions, she put down her guards and let God's Holy Spirit wake her up. She is the only born again Christian in a huge traditional Hindu family.

A neighbour, a Roman Catholic Faith Brother, who was a senior in a huge RC church in Gurgaon and we spend 5-7 months + discussing, debating and doing regular Q&A and finally he opened up to The Holy Spirit and is today a born again Christian. His family too as a result.

A precious sister in Christ, from Australia, who was into Hare Rama Hare Krishna Movement since years and had visited India occasional to Vrindavan, the spiritual hub. She and her brothers and sisters were followers and teachers of this religion. She contacted me on Facebook Messanger and we spent days if not months, discussing, arguing and q&a sessions. Finally she opened up To The Lord and accepted. Not only that, she flew all the way to India to meet me and mother and stayed with us in fellowship and learning The Bible.

All Praise and Glory to The Lord.

We are simply the vessel. God is The Boss. But in his holiness, he waits till the lost decide to believe in Him. Then magic happens. Obviously it's The Holy Spirit. Not us. Not our expertise or bible knowledge. Or tricks to wake/shake the lost... Human beings have free will. And the non believers have to choose to believe, then God accepts.

I personally was in the Hindu faith for 40 years. In direct daily Christan contact for 20 years. and I hated Jesus Christ. I hated being told to attend church. Hated to hear Bible logics. I rebelled I fought. Thank God I was shown grace and mercy after nearly 20 years. 20 years.  Not one day. Not one altar call. My own Hindu parents accepted Jesus Christ in their 70's. After years and years of pushing them, arguments and conversations.

Don't be deceived by what western Christianity is. Reality in the ground is totally different. End of the day, we all have our own walk with the lord and will give an account of our actions.

This is my personal experience of Christianity from 1990 to 2024.

The church is under complete apostasy and it's all about money and wrong doctrine and prosperity gospel etc. So don't believe what you see and hear on funded Christan channels and Support us, blogs and facebook/YouTube channels.

Visit china. See the hidden underground house Churches. South Korea. Pakistan. India. Bangladesh. Middle East. It's dangerous and horrible and scary. There are countries where mere confession of faith can lead to persecution, imprisonment, social stigma, rape, mutilation, burning and even death. To the person or his family and children. Western Christianity is a easy playground in comparison.

Anyone of us who is a believer, can do wonders in this battlefield. All that is required is our desire to serve. To go out and wake shake the lost. If our loved ones or family members or children are in serious danger or in harms way, do we get down on our knees and pray? (I'm not saying that praying is not required or important! It's the most important thing. But pray and act. Do your part) OR run like a lunatic, do whatever it takes, to save them? Not worried about self but them!!!  If you love your 16 year old lost child, or elderly non believer parents or a loved one, would you simply pray or try sharing God's truth a few times, and then dust off your feet? No. You would fight tooth and nail to save them because you love them and want them to share eternity with you. Right? So if we can push ourselves and go the extra mile for our loved ones, why not literally love our neighbors, all human beings who are lost and in disbelief and try our unending best to push push push till one of them opens up to The Holy Spirit and then go on to the next and the next person.

That's love. That's imitating Agape love. God's love for us. The Beautiful Atonement on The Cross. We have to power ourselves with that emotion and love and go into the wicked world and catch them one by one.

End of the day, we are mere puppets and vessels. It's between the lost and his decision to accept Christ and the Holy Spirit touching them. God is totally and completely in control. Praise The Lord.

We are to love others. Neighbours. The whole lost world. Sharing the best, biggest gift, we can possibly give to another human being...  the gift of salvation. The good news. Nothing beats this. Imagine meeting one soul in heaven and he/she smiles at you in gratitude in heaven!

"Just as it is written and forever remains written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!”
Romans 10:15.

So be pushy. Scream. Pray. Equip and fight daily.  As if we are trying to save the lost, one soul after another, literally from the fire of eternal hell.  

"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16, KJV).

The world, then as now, was hostile to believers—not incidentally hostile, but purposefully hostile. Wolves are intentional about the harm they inflict upon sheep. In such an environment, the question becomes: “How can we advance the kingdom of God effectively without becoming predatory ourselves?” Jesus taught His followers that, to be Christlike in a godless world, they must combine the wisdom of the serpent with the harmlessness of the dove.

Jesus invokes the common proverbial view of serpents and doves. The serpent was “subtle” or “crafty” or “shrewd” in Genesis 3:1. The dove, on the other hand, was thought of as innocent and harmless. We need to duplicate this in our lives and daily walks and try to catch one human being at a time with the same passion and Agape Love that God shows us.

"..... Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.... And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." From Matthew 22:35-40.

Sigh. Again, back to Myself. Am I doing enough daily? Or pretending to be good. I'm not judgemental in the bad sense. I want to push and motivate anyone reading to do better than the previous day. A lost human being going to an eternity in hell matters. It should.

It's burning me that I'm failing daily to be a blessing to others and it's more frustrating to see the apostate money making church worldwide. Praying and begging God for help and guidance and direction and assistance to help others.

May God have mercy on the poor and the lost. Maranatha.