Friday, October 11, 2024

Down The rabbit hole. By Rick Lange.



Today I want to take us down a rabbit hole in order to help us understand the agenda of the left and the agenda of the New World Order, for they are the same. And it will also explain why they are so desperately fighting to keep Donald Trump out of office.

It all began in the 1800s with a woman named Madame Blavatsky. She was part of the Russian elite and an occultist, who channeled demons, or Lucifer himself and was told to create a new belief system called “Theosophy”… which became the Theosophical society and she wrote a book called “ The Secret Doctrine.”

This society later became known as the Thule society and the Golden Dawn society and Hitler, being both an evolutionist and an occultist was initiated into power by this Thule society and being taught by the principles of the Secret doctrine, he began to form the third Reich. (The renewing of the Roman Empire) with global aspirations to create a perfect race through Eugenics and force the world into a New World Order.

The theosophical society was a Luciferian society who taught that Christians were wrong about God… that Lucifer was the good guy and the God of Israel was the bad guy. Their goal was to usher in a New Age and through Lucifer to bring global peace.

This was introduced as the age of Aquarius in the 1960s, but I am getting ahead of myself, for when Madame Blavatsky died she passed the baton to a woman named Annie Besant, who brought in Free Masonry, which is also a Luciferian Society and together they added another layer of purpose to the New World Order, which was to work toward a one world government and a one world religion.

In time they added another layer to their agenda also called over population. The population must be reduced to a manageable level, and like Hitler, they intended to weed out the misfits, the supposedly inferior races and those who would not comply with their global aspirations.

For this purpose a new member joined them by the name of Margaret Sanger, who formed an agency called “Planned Parenthood.” This is a horribly racist organization whose intentions are to weed out the weeds and the misfits of humanity. And that is why nearly all abortion clinics are set up near poor and black communities. It is both a eugenics and a population control mechanism, through which over 60 million babies have been killed in the womb in America alone and God only knows how many have been killed worldwide.

In time a new channeler by the name of Alice Bailey came along who was also a writer and based on her writings, the United Nations came into being, which is nothing more than a giant global organization formed to bring these various Luciferian dreams into reality.

“The United Nations was established after World War II in an attempt to maintain international peace and security and to achieve cooperation among nations on economic, social, and humanitarian problems.”

Alice Bailey formed a publishing company called the “Lucifer Publishing Company” but in time, she changed its name to hide their true intentions. Today it is known as the “ Lucas Trust” and they are directly connected to the United Nations and its goals.

There are two groups that must be eliminated if they are to have their perfectly utopian society and that is both Jews and Christians. The present war in the Middle East is a part of that attempt to destroy Israel, to divide her… to force her to share her tiny land with a neighbor that wants her dead and gone.
As for Christianity, they began the take down of America in the 1960s. The New Age movement was coming on strong. ( which also teaches that Christians are wrong about God and that Lucifer is the good guy) Their symbol has always been the rainbow, but it was adopted to represent the newest sexual revolution.

For those of us who are old enough to remember the 1960s, it came in like an overwhelming flood. The song, “The Age of Aquarius” was sung by a group called “The Fifth Dimension” and the song Aquarius swept the nation as they sang. “ Let the Sunshine In” but as is always true of all of Satan’s lies, they were actually letting the darkness in as at that same time, bibles were removed, and prayer removed and all Christian morals and principles were thrown out.
Drugs, witchcraft, eastern mysticism, new forms of music and an unnatural generation gap were formed to destabilize western bible based civilization. The family unit was obliterated and divorce became a pandemic. Instead of respecting parents and grandparents as most cultures do, they began to throw them and their wisdom under the bus as rebellion gained control of our nation.

Communes opened up where young people began living together in groups and sex was shared by all… but in time, of course, women discovered that they were getting the raw end of the deal, often left with venereal diseases and pregnancies and thus the feminist movement was born and with that the hatred of all things masculine resulting in the gay movement and on and on it goes, always throwing every Judeo/Christian principle to the wind.
Drugs were one of the movers in this and along with it new brands of the occult and Eastern religion. Honestly it is too complex to track, but in short what we have in the world today is a government that is formed and shaped by these Luciferian ideas and we have the World Economic Forum led by Klaus Schwab who is now carrying out his father’s Hitlerian NAZI principles, as they move inexorably toward the global rule of their secret leader known to us as the Antichrist.

So if you wonder why these people can look you in the eye and promise you the world with a smile even as they plot to kill you, it is because of their “secret doctrine” and their warped idea that they are doing all of this for the betterment of mankind.

For them it is a casual thing to say that in order to make an omelet you have to break a few eggs, even though that means millions or billions of deaths between now and 2030.

One interesting thing that Alice Bailey said is that Christians will someday disappear, choosing to enter into a different dimension and they want that to happen because we are the ones that are preventing them from gaining complete global control. But doesn’t that remind you of a bible text?
“And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming. The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.” 2 Thess 2:6-10

Yet another Bible text comes to mind here which says:
“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” 1 Thess 5:3

This tells us that the tribulation is not far off, for God is about to judge those who have been seeking to destroy both Christians and Jews in order to thwart the return of Christ to rule the nations with a rod of iron and to bring the peace that only Jesus can bring.

Interestingly, the mantra of the United Nations and of the New World Order is the promise of Peace and Security, or Peace and Safety. You hear these words constantly whenever the members of this society speak. Joe Biden has been a protege of Klaus Schwab for over 20 years and Kamala is right in lock step with the same agenda. Donald Trump, at least from appearances, seems to be against their global ideas, rather choosing to make America Great Again as a nation, then surrendering our sovereignty to that Luciferian organization, the United Nations.

So the Jews, in spite of their flaws, and Christians, in spite of our flaws, are nevertheless the eggs that must be broken in order for the globalists to make up their perfect utopian omelet… and they are running out of time, because Satan knows that He has but a short time and so they are actually desperate for this next election to go their way.

That’s why they are delaying help to the hurricane victims in Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia and Florida. These are Bible Belt states that are most likely Trump Supporters and they would just as soon leave them in the mud. In fact it is fellow Christians that are pitching in to help them in their desperate hour of need.

My sons are both involved in helping in any way they can and in fact, the organization we work with to bring food to 300 families every month, just took a semi truck load of food over yesterday.

As for the rabbit hole, I thought we might all benefit from understanding the Luciferian roots of the liberal agenda and the global agenda. Unless we understand some of this stuff, there is no way we can make sense out of what they are doing or saying…for while they pretend to be for us, they are actually participating in the take down of America and with every promise they make you can pretty much consider the opposite to be true.

If you would like to hear a much better rendering of this scenario I listed above, go to Youtube and look up Jimmy Evans and his program called, “ Occult in the Whitehouse” In this program Jimmy interviews Pastor Billy Crone, who is an excellent researcher. He traced this history down with documentation and quotes from the people involved in this global takeover.
We are just inches away from the great reset, which will usher in the digital money by which they will be able to control all buying and selling on the planet. AI is being used for this and we would be amazed to know just how advanced they are in bringing all of these things online, so as to reach their global goals by 2030

Friends, it is time for us to wake up and to stand up and having done all to stand.

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.” Eph 6:10-13