Sunday, September 29, 2024

Red Flags and Red Lines. By Rick Lange.


There are a dizzying number of Bible prophecies being fulfilled right now and many others taking shape as the nations align to take their places in Prophetic history.

Many Christians, conservatives and Patriots place their hopes in Donald Trump…and I suppose if we are voting on issues rather than personalities, we would have to go with the lesser of two evils. Christians always vote for life, for Christianity is always life affirming and full of hope and joy and salvation, whereas the left lives by a covenant of death, wholesale abortion, euthanasia, destruction of cities and nations, tyranny, forced control, higher taxes, a low value of human life, (saying we are a cancer on this planet that needs to be exterminated.) What a horrible view of God’s creation…and it always leads to slavery and to the tyranny of godless dictators…of which the antichrist looms ahead as their global focus and goal.

When it comes to Donald Trump, he recently asked two people to pray for our nation at one of his rallies…Paula White and Kenneth Copeland. This should raise red flags, but we no longer understand the issues.

I don’t know much about Paula White, but in recent years Kenneth Copeland led 500 Evangelicals by a Skype conversation ( with the help of Tony Palmer), to speak with Pope Francis and to declare allegiance to Him. Do we really want our nation to declare allegiance to the false prophet?

That gives me the eerie feeling that no matter how we vote, Bible prophecy will soon come to pass. Understanding prophecy would guide us in these things, but our nation no longer studies Bible prophecy, so they don’t know what to watch for. Our Christians leaders could help DT with these issues as well, except none of them apparently study Bible prophecy either.

For those of us who understand Bible prophecy, Pope Francis is currently playing the role of the False Prophet, the second beast of Revelation 13 and he is gathering all of the religions of the world together as equals to give their allegiance to the Antichrist when he arrives. See Rev. 13:12 for it says: “And he exercises all the power of the first beast before him, and causes the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast.: Rev 13:12

For Pope Francis to say that all religions lead to God as equals, is outright blasphemy. Jesus is not and can never be one of the gods. He is the only Creator God and the only Savior of mankind… and when it says in Rev 13 that the whole world will wonder after the Beast and to worship him, they will do so in defiance and rejection of Jesus Christ for as Peter preached shortly after the day of Pentecost: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

Is the Bible the truth or isn’t it? Was Jesus who He claimed to be and whom the entire Bible declares Him to be or wasn’t He? Who is coming again? Are any of the other gods coming to receive us into eternity? Who else can forgive sins and whose blood can atone for our iniquities? There is only ONE and for this reason God said: I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.” Isa 42:8

Jesus was not another God. He is God Almighty taking on mortal human flesh in order to dwell among us and to die for us. In His flesh He became dependent on His Father, but in His Spirit He was and is almighty God.
“For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people's sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation.” 2 Cor 5:19

Well, these are the facts that we can either accept or reject, but if we care about our eternal destiny, we had better choose wisely. I believe that the Mark of the Beast will involve a final choice between God and His Word, or Satan and His lies.

Now, as for Red Lines… the globalists are doing their best to ignite a world war and there are two tinder boxes that could do just that right now… the Middle East vs Israel and the Russian/Ukrainian conflict.

As for the Russian/Ukrainian war, America is draining its resources to fight a losing battle with Russia. They keep poking and provoking Putin to take action by crossing every red line that he has established in hopes that he will unleash a nuclear weapon on NATO or the United States, thus sparking a global Nuclear war. (Remember if you will that the globalist’s goal is to reduce earth’s population to 500 million) So they have their bunkers ready and stocked with several year’s worth of food where they can live in luxury while they wait for humanity to be reduced to manageable levels.

I don’t believe Russia will lose this war, simply because Russia is said to be the leader of the Magog war yet to come. In fact, after Israel’s recent victories over Hezbollah, leaders of Russia, Turkey and Iran just got together to figure out how to put Israel in its place, which is to wipe it out. But that may well be the beginnings of the Magog war since those three nations are very much involved in it, but we will discuss that in another article.

Many believe that the globalists have from now until election time to get done what they need to get done and that means possible major events to come between now and November or January to stay on their 2030 goal of complete world dominance.

Daily and weekly, they (meaning the UN, the WEF and the WHO) are passing laws that will give them global control over the sovereign nations in the event of a pandemic or a war, or civil unrest, or even misinformation, or disinformation publication. (Meaning anything that disagrees with their agenda, their medications or their propaganda, or their globalist plans, will give them permission to impose their tyrannical rule upon the world.)
On the near docket is their plan to shut down all opposing views… to censor all questions or refutations. (Do you know how many doctors and scientists and whistle blowers lost their jobs, their tenure, their personal property and even their lives to bring us the truth during the COBID debacle? Hundreds!

Kamala’s agenda is enough to cause nightmares for any freedom loving person, whenever she stops cackling long enough to say something serious. And forget her having any say in the Middle East since Muslims won’t take anything from a woman, other than maybe her virginity.

This is the kind of a man made mess that we are in today and most people don’t understand it, but these problems are spiritual ones, much more than political ones. The world leaders that we see are just puppets on the hands of the principalities and powers in high places:
“For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but are divinely powerful to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Cor 10:3-5

As for Donald Trump… I am not saying not to vote for Him. What I am saying is that he is not our ultimate solution, for unless this nation turns back to God, our days are numbered, no matter who is in office. Yes, God can use Him as He has had to use less than perfect people throughout History.

Jonathan Cahn likens him to Jehu, who overthrew Jezebel and that horrible regime run by she and Ahab… bringing Baal worship into Israel.

Keep in mind that America is the weakest it has ever been, We are without leadership… and so any nation that wants to take advantage of our weakness, must act now, before the end of the year. So we must prepare to stand in our place and to rescue the perishing. ..For when earth is at its darkest hour, Jesus says to us… “Arises, shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.” Isa 60:1-2

Rick Lange.

Last paragraph omitted.