Thursday, September 26, 2024

History's Greatest Coup. By Rick Lange.


Behind the positive sounding euphemisms of the New Global World Order, lies the most diabolical hijacking of human freedom that the world has ever seen. The kingdom of the antichrist is building faster than we can imagine. And for those who are asleep, the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.
The Pact for the future, the global digital compact and the declaration on future Generations open the door to new opportunities and untapped possibilities, said Secretary General Antonio Guterras during his remarks at the opening of the summit of the Future, The president of the General Assembly noted that the Pact would lay the foundations for a sustainable just and peaceful global order - for all peoples and nations.

This includes:A new set of 10 Commandments to save the planet… COP 27, 2022.A third covenant… OT, NT ST ( The Old Testament and the New Testament is being replaced by the sustainable goals of the New World Order and they are no longer hiding it… for while the church was sleeping, they gained their control.
The UN/Global government/ global religion (Pope Francis has now declared “ All religions are paths to God which will be used to bring heaven on earth.”
The Agenda is:
World Government World economy (digital; racing to kill cash) World Religion Antichrist 
(government, digital economy) False Prophet as per Pope Francis leading to (Global spirituality) Building the infrastructure for the antichrist:

Still hidden behind the curtain stands the global antichrist… a secular military industrial world leader who will lead the world into a global millennial reign in the place of Christ. And already serving as his John the Baptist, Pope Francis is preparing the way for the coming global religion, (the global spirituality) which includes all religions as equal. (Which automatically leads out true Christianity because of our claims that there is only one way to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ our Creator and Savior. 

The ceremony for introducing the new global 10 commandments has already been done. I believe that a group of them met on Mt. Sinai in 2022 were they cast down and broke the biblical Ten Commandments and installed the new global 10 Commandments for climate change.
At an Emergency Special session, the General Assembly overwhelmingly backed the membership of Palestine into the globally supported group of nations. Why should they care about a non entity called Palestinians on a tiny sliver of land called Israel? It is because it is God’s land and God’s people and since Jesus Christ is destined to rule and reign from Jerusalem for 1000 years, their priority must be to usurp that land and to commandeer it for their own demonic purposes.
At the top of their agenda are two priorities:
To enforce a two state solution in IsraelTo require every person on the planet to receive a global digital ID.
Without this global digital ID you will not be able to enter stores, purchase anything, use public transportation, use public roads, fly on planes… pay for anything or basically own anything.
Those who speak out against the Digital ID will be labeled as perpetrators of misinformation, or disinformation and removed from society.
This Digital ID may start out with a card, or a phone app. (Already being used for paying for stuff.) And this digital ID is already being implanted on a person’s hand or forehead as a trial run.
WHY THE FOREHEAD OR THE HAND? These two areas of the human body have been found to change in temperature most frequently. For instance, if you think your child has a fever, where do you touch them? On forehead or hand right? But it is this change of temperature that will power the implant. It will need this minute amount of power to allow for the storage and retrieval of information.
So when Revelation 13 says that no one will be able to buy or to sell without the mark of the beast, we are literally watching this being set up right before our eyes. Let’s read it.

“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Rev 13:15-17

Friends, the globalists are taking their playbook right out of the book of Revelation (whether they know it or not). In verse 15 we see that the False Prophet has power to give life and speech to the image of the beast.

The globalists have already stated that their global government will be run by AI and not only that but they are now working on crossing AI computing power with demonic symbiosis so that this Image to the Beast will serve as the facilitator of all information concerning every person on the planet and you will be recognized and controlled by your Digital ID… for if you can’t buy or sell, then you are effectively kicked out of the system as a non-existent person and due for extermination.

It will all be done without human compassion, or personal hatred. You will simply be unable to exist in the coming digital world unless you are plugged into it and this “plugging in will require your absolute allegiance to the system…as well as the denial of Jesus Christ.

We have already been introduced to the 17 SDGs ( Sustainable Development Goals) and their euphemisms of peace and safety and a glowing future, hide a sinister and antichristian agenda to wipe every Jew and every Christian off of the face of the earth and to permanently destroy the memory of our Creator God from history and from memory.

This kind of herding into absolute human slavery requires a great deal of dumbing down and reprogramming of humanity. Unfortunately this has been done through the education system, through young people’s constant use of digital devices, (which contain their own presumptive programming) through every form of media, through political pressure as well as the allure of being given everything you want including every form of sexual freedom and moral neutrality. They are now even trying to legalize drugs, simply because their genocidal agenda requires a large population of zombies who no longer question anything.

In the 1960s, they kicked the Bible and the Ten Commandments and prayer out of public schools and institutions and began a massive reprogramming agenda into our future… the children. Well, those children have now grown up and they are running our country….godless…harebrained… vacuous empty shells. But it doesn’t stay that way.

There is a spiritual principle at play here. When you kick one spirit out, another spirit takes its place. If you kick righteousness out, then evil floods in. If you kick God out, then He is replaced with the many gods of paganism. Can we not see that our nation has been taken over by the old gods that Christianity once kicked out? Baal causes us to forget God and to rebel.

Ishtar brings in wanton sexuality and perversion… confused gender identity and pride. Even in the old pagan days this goddess, Ishtar was the goddess of parades where men dressed as women and women as men and they paraded through the streets in the month of June. (Pride month)

Baphomet and Moloch offer peace and prosperity in exchange for the sacrifice of our children.

Fallen angels offer men “Alien Technology” in exchange for human bodies, human souls and human ingenuity. And we cooperate by working hard to develop the many implements of war required to kill ourselves and each other…for financial gain.

Any Christian that doesn’t see all of these things happening on a massive scale right now, simply hasn’t studied Bible Prophecy. Satan has no choice but to follow God’s playbook, and God gives those who trust Him His information in advance so that we need not be fooled by the delusions and illusions that are now sweeping our planet. Behind every agenda lies a spiritual power, either of light or of darkness, either of righteousness or evil and only God’s Word is living and active and sharper than any two edged sword and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Heb 4:12

Do you study your Bible enough to recognize the subtle differences that lead a person on a righteous path or a path of evil and destruction. It doesn’t start out so obvious at first. We convince ourselves that we have the right to do what we want and we don’t see the trap that is set for us until it is either too late or we come to our senses, like the prodigal son and we turn back to God.
Most of the above agenda has already been passed into Law and the globalists are ready to take over. For instance, if there is another pandemic the WHO ( Word Health Organization) automatically overrides our national sovereignty and calls the shots. If there is any kind of emergency such as a war or civil unrest, then NWO (an unelected global of elites, oligarchs and business tycoons take control of the nations in order to “Save us” from our own constitutions and to implement their “Sustainable Goals for planetary health and Safety and Security.

Their goal is total global control by 2030 and they will do whatever it takes even a global world war to make it happen. Words like “Peace and Safety” become a real joke when you understand how they intend to achieve it.
Friends, we need to get on God’s calendar so that we can understand the times we are in and where we might be in God’s timing. October 2 and 3 is Rosh Hashanah, followed by ten days of awe leading up to Yom Kippur and God’s judgement of the nations. How is America doing so far? Do we know where we stand with God? It is time to find out isn’t it?

We need to fast and pray during this time that God will open our eyes and cleans our hearts, so that we may fulfill His plans for us here at the end of the age. We are not here by accident. We have been placed here in this time because God knew that we would rise to the challenge… for gross darkness is covering the earth and so He is saying to all who will listen:

“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.” Isa 60:1-2