Saturday, September 14, 2024

AI-Summarizer used on Transcription from Pastors Point of View 319, by Dr. Andy Woods. On Global tyranny.

AI-Summarizer used on Transcription from Pastors Point of View 319, by Dr. Andy Woods. On Global tyranny. 

Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. (Daniel 7:23).

The text discusses global tyranny, highlighting its prophetic significance as foreseen in the Book of Daniel for the End of the Age. In Daniel 7:23, it mentions a fourth Beast representing a distinct Kingdom that will dominate the earth. This concept aligns with the idea of a runaway Global government predicted by the Bible to exist prior to Jesus' second coming. Presently, we see examples of this with the rise of global tech censorship as a form of control in society.

Many significant historical events can be traced to the UK and other European countries due to the significance of Nebuchadnezzar's Dream in Daniel 2. This dream foretold the rise and fall of empires that would impact Israel, from the Babylonian captivity to the second Advent.

The final form of government described in the dream, with feet of iron and clay and ten toes, is believed to represent a revived empire linked to ancient Rome. The ten toes, or ten horns, are seen as part of a futuristic New World Order that is eurocentric, stemming from the cultural inheritance of ancient Rome. This connection between the feet and the legs of iron signifies that the future empire will arise from the cultural legacy of Rome, playing a significant role in shaping world events. Many stories related to Tech tyranny, Tech censorship, and global censorship are emerging mostly from Europe, foreshadowing what may soon dominate the rest of the world. This shift towards a Dark Ages mentality is eroding the freedom of speech that many have fought to preserve. People are now being penalized for speech crimes, solely based on their social media posts, or even thought crimes, such as praying in front of abortion clinics. Authorities in Europe are enforcing these restrictions, leading to arrests for seemingly innocuous actions. This crackdown on free speech and individual rights is a dangerous trend that is spreading globally, starting in Europe. The principles of the Bill of Rights and freedom of speech, once foundational in western democracies, are now being threatened by this wave of censorship. The rise of Tech censorship is further exacerbating the situation, as individuals face consequences for expressing their views online. This concerning development marks a significant shift in the landscape of freedom of expression, and highlights the urgent need to protect these fundamental rights in the face of increasing control and monitoring in our digital world.

Jonathan Turley, a legal scholar, highlighted in a blog post dated August 22, 2024, that the United Kingdom is cracking down on free speech. He presented examples of individuals being arrested for seemingly harmless acts, such as sending a tweet while drunk, wearing an anti-police t-shirt, insulting someone's boyfriend, or even singing a song. These actions, which used to be protected under free speech laws, are now being criminalized. One such case involved Nicholas Brock, a Neo-Nazi, who was sentenced for his extremist views, even though he did not pose an immediate threat to others. The judge justified the harsh sentence by deeming Brock as dangerous due to his ideologies, which were considered intolerant and hateful. Furthermore, the proposed criminal justice incitement to violence or hatred and hate crimes offenses law in Ireland aims to combat toxic ideologies by criminalizing the possession of material deemed hateful, thus raising concerns about free speech rights.

Additionally, UK Home Secretary emphasized the need to crackdown on harmful beliefs, particularly online hate speech, targeting women. She stressed the importance of addressing extremism to protect communities and democracy. Cooper highlighted the rise of online radicalization among young people, which threatens social cohesion and the foundation of free speech. Moreover, the UK's laws criminalizing speech have come under scrutiny for being vague and allowing for arbitrary enforcement. For instance, the Public Order Act 1986 prohibits the expression of racial hatred, which includes speech that is deemed threatening or abusive towards a particular group or individual based on their race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin. This broad interpretation can lead to arrests based on the likelihood of stirring up racial hatred, rather than intent.

The crackdown on free speech in the UK and Europe is evident in the prosecution of individuals for their beliefs or online expressions, rather than their actions. This trend towards thought policing and restrictions on personal ideologies poses a significant threat to free speech rights and raises concerns about censorship and the erosion of democratic values.

 Jonathan Turley wrote an article titled "Free Speech CEO Becomes the Latest Target of European Censors" on August 22, 2024. The CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov, age 39, was arrested in France for not complying with demands to censor content on his messaging app. This highlights the global trend of censorship that is starting to emerge in Europe and may spread worldwide.

The situation with Pavel Durov is seen as a chilling escalation of censorship, as he created Telegram to allow for free speech. The allegations of fraud and child abuse against him seem to be exaggerated, as there is no concrete evidence of any wrongdoing. Durov's arrest sets a dangerous precedent for other tech CEOs who value freedom of speech on their platforms.

The arrest of Durov also reflects a broader issue with European laws that control speech on the internet. The vague and overbroad nature of these laws can be used to silence dissenting voices and stifle free expression. It is concerning that CEOs like Durov are being targeted and arrested for not adhering to these restrictive laws.

The actions taken by French authorities against Durov have far-reaching implications for other tech companies like Rumble and Twitter. The threat of censorship and arrest looms over any CEO who dares to prioritize free speech over government demands. The case of Durov highlights the risks associated with standing up for freedom of speech in an increasingly censorious environment.

Europe's push for stricter censorship measures is not just limited to tech companies. Politicians like Hillary Clinton are seeking to use European laws to impose censorship on Americans as well. The fear is that once tech CEOs buckle under pressure and comply with censorship demands, free speech will be severely restricted on a global scale.

The trend of targeting tech CEOs for their commitment to free speech raises concerns about the future of online discourse. The prospect of global censorship poses a threat to the free exchange of ideas and information. If governments continue to crack down on platforms that prioritize free speech, the world may see a significant erosion of online freedoms in the years to come.

In this context, the actions taken by European authorities against Pavel Durov are not just about one individual but about the broader implications for online speech and expression. Tech CEOs are increasingly being pressured to conform to government censorship demands or face severe consequences. The case of Durov serves as a cautionary tale for other tech companies that prioritize free speech in an environment that is increasingly hostile to dissenting voices.

Overall, the arrest of Pavel Durov highlights the growing threats to free speech online and the role of tech CEOs in defending this fundamental right. The global trend of censorship is a concerning development that could have far-reaching implications for the future of online discourse and information sharing. As governments continue to tighten their grip on online platforms, the fight for free speech in the digital age becomes ever more urgent.

The arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in Europe has left other tech company CEOs, like Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski, nervous about the implications for free speech. Pavlovski recently announced his departure from Europe after French authorities detained Durov. This incident has raised concerns about the chilling effect on free speech and privacy on platforms like Telegram. The investigation into Telegram's alleged failure to cooperate with law enforcement on issues like child sex abuse, drug trafficking, fraud, and terrorism is seen as an attack on free speech. Critics have raised concerns about the Digital Services Act in the European Union, which they argue could undermine free speech across the continent. The law has been criticized as vague and potentially dangerous, with recent examples of attempts to suppress freedom of expression beyond the EU borders, including warnings to Elon Musk about sharing content that European authorities deem unsafe. This trend of censorship is growing, with platforms like Rumble facing restrictions in countries like Brazil, adding to the concern about the erosion of free speech and information control.

The European Commission is investigating Telegram for potentially violating EU digital rules by providing inaccurate user numbers. The investigation is in conjunction with France's probe into criminal activity on the messaging platform, which led to the arrest of CEO Pavel Durov, who was taken into custody in Paris. The incident has sparked global reactions, with many viewing it as part of a broader Western government crackdown on free speech. The motivation behind these actions appears to be a desire to control information available on various platforms, such as limiting access to certain content and viewpoints. This trend is not limited to Europe, as it is also manifesting in countries like Brazil. The Prophet Daniel's prediction of such information control in the modern age, as described in Daniel 7:23, seems to be coming to fruition. The situation raises concerns about censorship and restrictions on what people can see, hear, watch, and read globally, impacting the flow of information and freedom of expression in various regions beyond Europe.

Politicians and former users of the online platform X expressed disapproval on social media after Brazil banned the site for failing to name a legal representative. Elon Musk criticized the Brazilian government, accusing them of crushing free speech while claiming to support democracy. He warned of similar censorship in the United States if certain candidates were elected. Musk highlighted attacks on free speech globally and emphasized the importance of paying attention to the issue. He referenced a statement from Shawn Maguire suggesting that western countries were at risk of losing their freedom of expression. Musk raised concerns about the suppression of speech in Europe and Brazil, warning that it could spread to the US. He criticized the use of broad laws to censor speech and emphasized the importance of defending free expression.

Elon Musk has expressed concerns that a potential win by Camala Harris in the upcoming election could pose challenges for his social media platform in the US, similar to what happened in Brazil. Musk highlighted the increasing attacks on free speech in 2024 and warned that if Harris and her running mate Tim Walls come to power, it could lead to restrictions on social media platforms. If Musk's predictions prove true, it could have significant implications for the social media landscape in the US, impacting user base, revenue, and overall market standing. This raises questions about the future of free speech and the role of social media platforms in political discourse. The similarities in the articles from ben. com and the concerns raised by Musk indicate a shared theme of potential threats to social media platforms under a new administration.

Meta Platforms CEO and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg admitted on Monday that the Biden administration "repeatedly pressured" his team for months in 2021 to censor content related to COVID-19, including content from ordinary Americans. (by Misty Severi is an evening news reporter for Just the News.)

Mark Zuckerberg admitted that the Biden Administration pressured Facebook in 2021 to censor Covid-19 content, including humor and satire, even from ordinary American citizens. The CEO acknowledged that the company ultimately decided what to remove and when, expressing regret for not being more vocal about government pressure. Zuckerberg also revealed that Facebook demoted a story about Hunter Biden's laptop due to FBI warnings about potential Russian disinformation, which turned out to be inaccurate. In response, he changed the company's policies to wait for fact-checking before taking action on stories. The House Judiciary Committee commended Zuckerberg's admission as a win for free speech, criticizing the government's influence on content removal during critical moments like elections and public health emergencies. The article highlights the dangers of government coercion in controlling online information and emphasizes the importance of upholding free speech rights. 



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