Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Olivet Discourse.

Dr. Andy Woods:
The Olivet Discourse is recorded in three Gospels: Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13. The Olivet Discourse is not dealing with Believers in The Church Age. Its written for The Jews during the Tribulation Period  that will bring in The Kingdom. We find reference to The Church only in few scriptures like Matthew 16:18;  Matthew 18:15-17; Matthew 24-25; Matthew 28:18-20. 99% of Matthew 24-25 is not dealing with the end of the church age, it's dealing with the end of the inner advantage (the time period between Christ's first coming and second). You want to find info about the Inner Advent Age things that will be happening on the earth via the Tribulation Period & the establishment of the kingdom after the church has already been raptured, then you go to, Matthew 24 and 25.

“I never knew you: depart from me” Matthew 7:15-23. Perhaps the most  misquoted and abused passage in the entire Bible. It is cited to prove an assertion that the professing Christian, that does not produce enough fruit in their lives, to prove that they are one of the elect, will be cast away from Christ at the final judgement. This is completely taken out of context and abused.

The Gospel of Matthew has 5 Discourses:
Sermon on the Mount (5-7)
Mission Discourse (10)
Kingdom Parables (13)
Humility Discourse (18)
Olivet Discourse (24-25).

The Olivet Discourse is ONE Discourse, not more.

The Holy Spirit didn't put those chapter markers! Stephen Langton did, in the 16th-17th century. Read Matthew 24:1-3, Its context: talking about the Temple (Israel-Jew. Not Church!) When Jesus made the prediction that the Temple would be destroyed brick by brick, the disciples (representing Israel) associated that with the End of The Age. They asked a Jewish question and Jesus starts to map out the Tribulation Period yet future. Jesus says All these are the beginning of birth pains. TRIBULATION. Matthew 24:8  “and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14  CONTEXT! For then shall be great tribulation. Unparalleled distress for the Jewish people. Matthew 24:21-22 . See Jeremiah 30:7. Time of Jacob’s Trouble. (CHURCH is already raptured) And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man.. Matthew 24:30  Gather together his elect... Matthew 24:31 Jesus is talking about Israel future.  “and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.” Isaiah 11:11-12. Isaiah 27:13. Isaiah 43:5-7.

The Gospel of Matthew was written for 3 Purposes:
1. To explain that Jesus, in whom they had believed, was the long awaited Jewish Messiah.
2. To explain why  the Kingdom had been postponed, despite the fact that The King had arrived.
3. To explain the interim program of God during The Kingdom’s absence. (Israel past rejection and future acceptance of Jesus.

One needs to understand proper hermeneutical implementation.

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