Friday, September 27, 2024

Eternal Security. Backsliding and The Hare Krishna Movement.

 Eternal Security. Backsliding and The Hare Krishna Movement.

 Very important Conversation with a Dear Sister from Australia, Coral Child.

“Hiya. Our Brother in Christ, JOHN (name changed) is a Hare Krishna follower again. Apparently since a couple of years. He's reportedly mentally unwell in India according to the devotees. We can only pray by the Grace of God he wakes up AGAIN & follows the Truth of God's Word in the Bible. It makes me feel ill thinking about his choice. Thanks Ricky!!

A Little background:

JOHN, was a Hare Krishna devotee for years. With the grace of God, he became a born again believer. Approx 2016-2017, if I recollect correctly. After that, sadly, he perhaps didn’t get the right fellowship or church or didn’t study/rightly divide and understand The Word and didn’t get help/nurturing from other believers, including me (online), and shifted to deep Orthodox Christianity. From there he is back to being a Hare Krishna devotee again.

Back to the conversation:

In my reply to her, I was I was saddened and angry and was questioning God why this happened and replied:

“Coral, a guy like me... Faith is shaken stirred. Messed up. Exhausted with the daily tribulations of life… Imagine JOHN, who was not as mature in The Faith as us... Sigh. Faith. Very difficult to hold on. Top it up There are 4200+ faiths religions paths on earth today. Groan. Jesus is the only way. The only way that makes sense to me. We push on in faith hope love and Hold on to Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith.

Infact I was thinking of doing a post on faith. And this is it!

Faith. It's not Sensationalism. CHRISTIANITY is not answered prayers and prosperity and God is at our disposal like a Genie and the lamp. It's Faith. Unseen yet dependable.

Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]. For by this [kind of] faith the men of old gained [divine] approval. By faith [that is, with an inherent trust and enduring confidence in the power, wisdom and goodness of God] we understand that the worlds (universe, ages) were framed and created [formed, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose] by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. (Hebrews 11:1-3 AMP).

 She replied:

“My sister said (SHE TOO IS A HARE KRISHNA DEVOTEE) when JOHN became a Christian, it was AGAIN, & all the devotees said he'll be BACK, AGAIN!!! He knew the Bible back to front, but she said, he also knows Krishna scripture back to front. I told her if ANY devotees ever say that I'll be back, to tell them THAT'S NEVER HAPPENING! Then I ranted about the Rapture, how I don't believe in reincarnation, etc etc etc My sister is very considerate of my faith in Jesus because SHE KNOWS THE BIBLE TOO! OMG WHYYYY do they NOT FOLLOW JESUS???!!!!!!!!!!! it's soooo frustrating But that's not on us. It's their choice

I suddenly got a jolt. What am I sharing with Her? Whats wrong with me.I was subconsciously directed to share my understanding of God’s Beauty and Eternal Unmerited Grace and what Salvation truly is, with her.

Hey Sis, Guess what. Here is the kicker. JOHN is 100% saved today tomorrow and for all eternity. Irrespective of doubt, Losing his faith. Why? Coz God is beautiful. He forgives. He gives grace upon grace and no one can pluck JOHN out of God the Father and God the son's hands. We are all secure in Christ. For all eternity. Even JOHN  (Zero rewards at Bema Judgement perhaps), But 100% saved. (1 Corinthians 3:10-15). Tell everyone How great is our God.

Salvation has zero % to do with us. It's all Jesus. And He saves. Irrespective of how horrible we are in works or faith. Even if we deny him after once believing in Him, He doesn't deny us. So whenever JOHN choose Jesus and has now backslided or joined another path, He is safe and secure for all eternity.

Even if one has Doubts in their Christian life? They are SAVED. What if they Believe, then later, Stop Believing? They are SAVED. 2 Tim 2:13 says, If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.

Rejoice in our earthly suffering Sis. Cry scream curse ... Anything. We hang in there. Wait and Watch. BUT GOD J Coz we shall see God and be with him forever!!!

 She replied :

Scripture about backsliding? I thought that's it YOU CAN'T DENY HIM & STILL BE SAVED? The Hare Krishna's all accept Jesus! They just go on a different pathway to Godhead?

 I shared this:

1 Corinthians 3:10-15 says: According to the grace of God which was given to me, like a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another is building on it. But each person must be careful how he builds on it. For no one can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw, each one’s work will become evident; for the day will show it because it is to be revealed with fire, and the fire itself will test the quality of each one’s work. If anyone’s work which he has built on it remains, he will receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet only so as through fire.

Eternal Security:

One of Christianity’s most controversial issues—and one of our most frequently asked questions—involves the concept of Eternal Security. And understanding the three tenses of “salvation.” Can a man (or a woman) lose his salvation? Yes! If it depends on him (or her)!!! Thank God for God. Salvation is not dependent on us.

Salvation is Eternal. We can’t earn it, or maintain it. It’s an Unmerited Free Gift of Grace by God, not a conditional inheritance. We are forgiven and God’s Righteousness is imputed to us. Past, Present, Future Sins, paid in full.

And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.
John 10:28-29

Can a Believer lose his Salvation?

IMPOSSIBLE. John 5:24 says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the one who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life. 1 John 5:13 says, These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life. John 6:47 says, Truly, truly, I say to you, the one who believes has eternal life. Ephesians 1:13-14 says, In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation—having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of the promise, who is a first installment of our inheritance, in regard to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of His glory. Romans 8:30 says, and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified. Romans 11:29 says, for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. Romans 8:38-39 says, For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Coral asked: The Hare Krishna's all accept Jesus! They just go on a different pathway to Godhead?


For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that none can boast. (Ephesians. 2:8-9).

Just Believe in Jesus Christ! God's one condition for justification. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame.”

Not Jesus Christ + Baptism.
Not Jesus Christ + Good Works.
Not Jesus Christ + Church Attending.
Not Jesus Christ + Giving Tithes Offerings.
Not Jesus Christ + Virgin Mary.
Not Jesus Christ + Krishna.
It’s not Jesus Christ + _______!

Christ's Righteousness is imputed to us when we believe.

What it does mean is that we are positionally righteous; even though we still sin, we are forensically or legally righteous. God has credited the righteousness of Christ to our account, and He did this when He saved us. In grace, the holiness of Jesus Christ is ascribed to us. Christ “has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption” 

But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:
Corinthians 1:30.

By having the righteousness of Christ imputed to us, we can be seen as sinless, as Jesus is sinless. This is amazing grace! We are not righteous in ourselves; rather, we possess Christ’s righteousness applied to our account. It is not our perfection but Christ’s that God sees when He brings us into fellowship with Himself. We are still sinners in practice, but the grace of God has declared us to have righteous standing before the law.

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV.

Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
Romans 3:22

Believe in Jesus Christ alone.

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)

 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." (John 3:16-18).

Once saved, Overcoming/Persevering, is by OUR faith in HIS finished work (Tetelestai). It’s all HIS work. We overcome by OUR Faith, because He overcomes through us by HIS finished work.  (1 John 5:4-5).

Are you Saved? Today is the day of Salvation. Place your Trust and Believe in Christ alone for the safekeeping of your soul.  ”believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life” (1 John 5:13). 



One important lesson to learn here.

Don't be deceived by what western Christianity is showing online. Reality in the ground is totally different. The Church is in complete Apostasy. Its Tithes Offerings Giving and NOT Jesus Christ anymore.

Lot of people are accepting Christ. Lot of people are leaving the faith and accepting Islam, or Hinduism, or Buddhism or the New Age Religion. Satan rules The Air with God's permission. So please pray and use Biblical Discernment in your Giving and Works.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

History's Greatest Coup. By Rick Lange.


Behind the positive sounding euphemisms of the New Global World Order, lies the most diabolical hijacking of human freedom that the world has ever seen. The kingdom of the antichrist is building faster than we can imagine. And for those who are asleep, the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.
The Pact for the future, the global digital compact and the declaration on future Generations open the door to new opportunities and untapped possibilities, said Secretary General Antonio Guterras during his remarks at the opening of the summit of the Future, The president of the General Assembly noted that the Pact would lay the foundations for a sustainable just and peaceful global order - for all peoples and nations.

This includes:A new set of 10 Commandments to save the planet… COP 27, 2022.A third covenant… OT, NT ST ( The Old Testament and the New Testament is being replaced by the sustainable goals of the New World Order and they are no longer hiding it… for while the church was sleeping, they gained their control.
The UN/Global government/ global religion (Pope Francis has now declared “ All religions are paths to God which will be used to bring heaven on earth.”
The Agenda is:
World Government World economy (digital; racing to kill cash) World Religion Antichrist 
(government, digital economy) False Prophet as per Pope Francis leading to (Global spirituality) Building the infrastructure for the antichrist:

Still hidden behind the curtain stands the global antichrist… a secular military industrial world leader who will lead the world into a global millennial reign in the place of Christ. And already serving as his John the Baptist, Pope Francis is preparing the way for the coming global religion, (the global spirituality) which includes all religions as equal. (Which automatically leads out true Christianity because of our claims that there is only one way to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ our Creator and Savior. 

The ceremony for introducing the new global 10 commandments has already been done. I believe that a group of them met on Mt. Sinai in 2022 were they cast down and broke the biblical Ten Commandments and installed the new global 10 Commandments for climate change.
At an Emergency Special session, the General Assembly overwhelmingly backed the membership of Palestine into the globally supported group of nations. Why should they care about a non entity called Palestinians on a tiny sliver of land called Israel? It is because it is God’s land and God’s people and since Jesus Christ is destined to rule and reign from Jerusalem for 1000 years, their priority must be to usurp that land and to commandeer it for their own demonic purposes.
At the top of their agenda are two priorities:
To enforce a two state solution in IsraelTo require every person on the planet to receive a global digital ID.
Without this global digital ID you will not be able to enter stores, purchase anything, use public transportation, use public roads, fly on planes… pay for anything or basically own anything.
Those who speak out against the Digital ID will be labeled as perpetrators of misinformation, or disinformation and removed from society.
This Digital ID may start out with a card, or a phone app. (Already being used for paying for stuff.) And this digital ID is already being implanted on a person’s hand or forehead as a trial run.
WHY THE FOREHEAD OR THE HAND? These two areas of the human body have been found to change in temperature most frequently. For instance, if you think your child has a fever, where do you touch them? On forehead or hand right? But it is this change of temperature that will power the implant. It will need this minute amount of power to allow for the storage and retrieval of information.
So when Revelation 13 says that no one will be able to buy or to sell without the mark of the beast, we are literally watching this being set up right before our eyes. Let’s read it.

“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Rev 13:15-17

Friends, the globalists are taking their playbook right out of the book of Revelation (whether they know it or not). In verse 15 we see that the False Prophet has power to give life and speech to the image of the beast.

The globalists have already stated that their global government will be run by AI and not only that but they are now working on crossing AI computing power with demonic symbiosis so that this Image to the Beast will serve as the facilitator of all information concerning every person on the planet and you will be recognized and controlled by your Digital ID… for if you can’t buy or sell, then you are effectively kicked out of the system as a non-existent person and due for extermination.

It will all be done without human compassion, or personal hatred. You will simply be unable to exist in the coming digital world unless you are plugged into it and this “plugging in will require your absolute allegiance to the system…as well as the denial of Jesus Christ.

We have already been introduced to the 17 SDGs ( Sustainable Development Goals) and their euphemisms of peace and safety and a glowing future, hide a sinister and antichristian agenda to wipe every Jew and every Christian off of the face of the earth and to permanently destroy the memory of our Creator God from history and from memory.

This kind of herding into absolute human slavery requires a great deal of dumbing down and reprogramming of humanity. Unfortunately this has been done through the education system, through young people’s constant use of digital devices, (which contain their own presumptive programming) through every form of media, through political pressure as well as the allure of being given everything you want including every form of sexual freedom and moral neutrality. They are now even trying to legalize drugs, simply because their genocidal agenda requires a large population of zombies who no longer question anything.

In the 1960s, they kicked the Bible and the Ten Commandments and prayer out of public schools and institutions and began a massive reprogramming agenda into our future… the children. Well, those children have now grown up and they are running our country….godless…harebrained… vacuous empty shells. But it doesn’t stay that way.

There is a spiritual principle at play here. When you kick one spirit out, another spirit takes its place. If you kick righteousness out, then evil floods in. If you kick God out, then He is replaced with the many gods of paganism. Can we not see that our nation has been taken over by the old gods that Christianity once kicked out? Baal causes us to forget God and to rebel.

Ishtar brings in wanton sexuality and perversion… confused gender identity and pride. Even in the old pagan days this goddess, Ishtar was the goddess of parades where men dressed as women and women as men and they paraded through the streets in the month of June. (Pride month)

Baphomet and Moloch offer peace and prosperity in exchange for the sacrifice of our children.

Fallen angels offer men “Alien Technology” in exchange for human bodies, human souls and human ingenuity. And we cooperate by working hard to develop the many implements of war required to kill ourselves and each other…for financial gain.

Any Christian that doesn’t see all of these things happening on a massive scale right now, simply hasn’t studied Bible Prophecy. Satan has no choice but to follow God’s playbook, and God gives those who trust Him His information in advance so that we need not be fooled by the delusions and illusions that are now sweeping our planet. Behind every agenda lies a spiritual power, either of light or of darkness, either of righteousness or evil and only God’s Word is living and active and sharper than any two edged sword and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Heb 4:12

Do you study your Bible enough to recognize the subtle differences that lead a person on a righteous path or a path of evil and destruction. It doesn’t start out so obvious at first. We convince ourselves that we have the right to do what we want and we don’t see the trap that is set for us until it is either too late or we come to our senses, like the prodigal son and we turn back to God.
Most of the above agenda has already been passed into Law and the globalists are ready to take over. For instance, if there is another pandemic the WHO ( Word Health Organization) automatically overrides our national sovereignty and calls the shots. If there is any kind of emergency such as a war or civil unrest, then NWO (an unelected global of elites, oligarchs and business tycoons take control of the nations in order to “Save us” from our own constitutions and to implement their “Sustainable Goals for planetary health and Safety and Security.

Their goal is total global control by 2030 and they will do whatever it takes even a global world war to make it happen. Words like “Peace and Safety” become a real joke when you understand how they intend to achieve it.
Friends, we need to get on God’s calendar so that we can understand the times we are in and where we might be in God’s timing. October 2 and 3 is Rosh Hashanah, followed by ten days of awe leading up to Yom Kippur and God’s judgement of the nations. How is America doing so far? Do we know where we stand with God? It is time to find out isn’t it?

We need to fast and pray during this time that God will open our eyes and cleans our hearts, so that we may fulfill His plans for us here at the end of the age. We are not here by accident. We have been placed here in this time because God knew that we would rise to the challenge… for gross darkness is covering the earth and so He is saying to all who will listen:

“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.” Isa 60:1-2

Saturday, September 21, 2024


While chatting with Dear Brother Greg Kroehnert .

But it's the Groom's father that gets to decidd when he goes and gets her :D

I replied:

Dearest Father In law.
How about Golf this weekend?
BBQ on Sunday?
Please send our Darling Husband
So we can all
Catch up in the air
Post that 🤣
Lots of love.
Watchful. Waiting. Exhausted. Disheveled.
Body of Christ/ Bride of Christ.

Ps. Can't keep re ironing out our wedding dress. Please have mercy.
Maranatha. 😭❤️

Ps. Whosoever is the last gentile, please kindly wake up..... Duh. You are holding up the rapture express. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

How to share The Good News of The Gospel?

A heartfelt conversation with a dear Sister online recently.
Sis, I live in india. I'm extremely saddened that I've learnt of the Bible truth that billions will go to hell. I want to love and care for all people. I dont know how and I'm sad worried and fearful. We are all sinners. We have all failed. We all need god's grace and mercy. I want everyone to be in heaven with me one day. Including my enemies. (If any). I shudder to imagine the lost going through the 7 year tribulation period on earth where God will pour out His Holy Wrath on the wicked. Getting beheaded by the antichrist for their faith if they realise their folly or spending an eternity in hell in trauma, if they still don't wake up to God's Holy Truth. A Horrible time that would be.

I Love my country, it's rich culture and the ancient teachings and my upbringing. Took me years to go from hating the name of Jesus Christ to literally falling in love with Him in 89-90. I'm a born again Christian (but still a legal Hindu citizen). God sees our heart and intent and renewal of our mind and not our legal earthly status.

This is one of the reason why Christians and Christian Missionaries are hated and attacked and blamed for Converting people's religion in developing countries. And this is sadly true.

People are so poor in extreme poverty and lost and without hope on the planet. Unlike the west. 6 hundred million human beings live under 3 dollars a day.

In India, the poor are not treated as human beings. They are attacked, abused and disallowed to even visit temples of their own faiths and their daily existence is deplorable. Then suddenly these Christian missionaries, 'holy men of God', turn up and offer miracles and healings and speak in heavenly tongues (wow) and give our free meals, free food, free blankets and clothing and dump Bibles on these lost broken souls.
(Which they don't understand, read or care about).

What do you think will happen? The huge  multitudes of poor, in villages and small towns, gratefully lap up this fake love being shown to them, humbly and excitedly accept these free gifts and become Christians in one hour. The ending is the best part. That pastor in his next sermon, gloats and flaunts and shares 'this video' in the Western Christianity World as a holy work of God, an amazing God led revival where hundreds and thousands of non believers accepted Jesus Christ in one day. This is what you all see in the Western world.

Amazing? It's sadly disgusting. God is not mocked. So please do not be deceived. Use prayers and discernment in giving and supporting ministers, missions and pastors.

Tithes offerings and giving is a 6 Trillion Dollar a year industry/tax exempt business. That's why Jesus said God or money.

For example, a Rohit Mehta is converted to Rohit Johnson? Taught to behave Holier than thou and unsocial with wrong theology, doctrine and the Prosperity gospel. God will uplift you. Give you loads of money and fame. He will heal you and bless you. Signs and miracles will happen in your life. This is so sick, absurd and not Biblical. No wonder Christians are hated worldwide.

It's The battlefield in india and the rest of the world. Thousands of faiths and religions. Sharing The Bible in Western Christianity is way way different and so socially easier then in these nations.

Ray comfort must be doing wonderful work. But I feel that logic sadly doesn't work in the battlefield in developing countries. I can't go to a non believer here and say..( These are the 10 commandments... Sins....You are guilty... Eternity in hell... Choose Jesus... And in a half hour conversation, the person accepts doesn't work. At all). The non believers will laugh and scorn at this style.

Yet sadly, in the western world, where persecution is hardly an issue... social media and Christianity channels and Christian TV portray this style of gospel sharing and you all think wow... It's not wow.  

There it is shown that a pastor or teacher or preacher did a sermon, made an altar call and 5,000 non believers professed faith and became Christians in one day!!! Wow. Really? Not at all real in the real world. Go meet any of those 5,000 people after a week, ten days, a month and see their state of mind and life and faith. Was it a genuine Belief call or the music, the moment, the pressure, or copying what others were doing that moment. This is a point to ponder. God alone knows each soul and we should not judge anyone's salvation.

We have a role to play in the real world. Share the gospel. Answer questions upon questions to clear the doubts of the non believers. Call them. Follow up with them. Show (fake it if the need be) being the salt and light in the world so to impress them... Wise as a serpent and loving as doves. Then they think about a salvation decision. Then they choose freely to decide on Christ. Then The Holy Spirit works on them.

In my humble opinion, a salvation decision by a non believer takes time, depending on the persons mindset, the social background, his/her genuinely seeking for the truth, and willingness to find answers on salvation and God. It could take a week. A month. Months sometimes or years.

I have many personal testimonials.  

I spend nearly 8 months with a 40 year old Hindu lady and we meet regularly and after 100's of questions and answers sessions, she put down her guards and let God's Holy Spirit wake her up. She is the only born again Christian in a huge traditional Hindu family.

A neighbour, a Roman Catholic Faith Brother, who was a senior in a huge RC church in Gurgaon and we spend 5-7 months + discussing, debating and doing regular Q&A and finally he opened up to The Holy Spirit and is today a born again Christian. His family too as a result.

A precious sister in Christ, from Australia, who was into Hare Rama Hare Krishna Movement since years and had visited India occasional to Vrindavan, the spiritual hub. She and her brothers and sisters were followers and teachers of this religion. She contacted me on Facebook Messanger and we spent days if not months, discussing, arguing and q&a sessions. Finally she opened up To The Lord and accepted. Not only that, she flew all the way to India to meet me and mother and stayed with us in fellowship and learning The Bible.

All Praise and Glory to The Lord.

We are simply the vessel. God is The Boss. But in his holiness, he waits till the lost decide to believe in Him. Then magic happens. Obviously it's The Holy Spirit. Not us. Not our expertise or bible knowledge. Or tricks to wake/shake the lost... Human beings have free will. And the non believers have to choose to believe, then God accepts.

I personally was in the Hindu faith for 40 years. In direct daily Christan contact for 20 years. and I hated Jesus Christ. I hated being told to attend church. Hated to hear Bible logics. I rebelled I fought. Thank God I was shown grace and mercy after nearly 20 years. 20 years.  Not one day. Not one altar call. My own Hindu parents accepted Jesus Christ in their 70's. After years and years of pushing them, arguments and conversations.

Don't be deceived by what western Christianity is. Reality in the ground is totally different. End of the day, we all have our own walk with the lord and will give an account of our actions.

This is my personal experience of Christianity from 1990 to 2024.

The church is under complete apostasy and it's all about money and wrong doctrine and prosperity gospel etc. So don't believe what you see and hear on funded Christan channels and Support us, blogs and facebook/YouTube channels.

Visit china. See the hidden underground house Churches. South Korea. Pakistan. India. Bangladesh. Middle East. It's dangerous and horrible and scary. There are countries where mere confession of faith can lead to persecution, imprisonment, social stigma, rape, mutilation, burning and even death. To the person or his family and children. Western Christianity is a easy playground in comparison.

Anyone of us who is a believer, can do wonders in this battlefield. All that is required is our desire to serve. To go out and wake shake the lost. If our loved ones or family members or children are in serious danger or in harms way, do we get down on our knees and pray? (I'm not saying that praying is not required or important! It's the most important thing. But pray and act. Do your part) OR run like a lunatic, do whatever it takes, to save them? Not worried about self but them!!!  If you love your 16 year old lost child, or elderly non believer parents or a loved one, would you simply pray or try sharing God's truth a few times, and then dust off your feet? No. You would fight tooth and nail to save them because you love them and want them to share eternity with you. Right? So if we can push ourselves and go the extra mile for our loved ones, why not literally love our neighbors, all human beings who are lost and in disbelief and try our unending best to push push push till one of them opens up to The Holy Spirit and then go on to the next and the next person.

That's love. That's imitating Agape love. God's love for us. The Beautiful Atonement on The Cross. We have to power ourselves with that emotion and love and go into the wicked world and catch them one by one.

End of the day, we are mere puppets and vessels. It's between the lost and his decision to accept Christ and the Holy Spirit touching them. God is totally and completely in control. Praise The Lord.

We are to love others. Neighbours. The whole lost world. Sharing the best, biggest gift, we can possibly give to another human being...  the gift of salvation. The good news. Nothing beats this. Imagine meeting one soul in heaven and he/she smiles at you in gratitude in heaven!

"Just as it is written and forever remains written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!”
Romans 10:15.

So be pushy. Scream. Pray. Equip and fight daily.  As if we are trying to save the lost, one soul after another, literally from the fire of eternal hell.  

"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16, KJV).

The world, then as now, was hostile to believers—not incidentally hostile, but purposefully hostile. Wolves are intentional about the harm they inflict upon sheep. In such an environment, the question becomes: “How can we advance the kingdom of God effectively without becoming predatory ourselves?” Jesus taught His followers that, to be Christlike in a godless world, they must combine the wisdom of the serpent with the harmlessness of the dove.

Jesus invokes the common proverbial view of serpents and doves. The serpent was “subtle” or “crafty” or “shrewd” in Genesis 3:1. The dove, on the other hand, was thought of as innocent and harmless. We need to duplicate this in our lives and daily walks and try to catch one human being at a time with the same passion and Agape Love that God shows us.

"..... Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.... And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." From Matthew 22:35-40.

Sigh. Again, back to Myself. Am I doing enough daily? Or pretending to be good. I'm not judgemental in the bad sense. I want to push and motivate anyone reading to do better than the previous day. A lost human being going to an eternity in hell matters. It should.

It's burning me that I'm failing daily to be a blessing to others and it's more frustrating to see the apostate money making church worldwide. Praying and begging God for help and guidance and direction and assistance to help others.

May God have mercy on the poor and the lost. Maranatha.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

God please equip us and wake us up.

8 billion + people living on earth.

90% + are lost and going to hell
for eternity.

And here I am...

Making content to share with 50-100 + souls that are already saved.

The lost don't visit Christian teachings.

What am I doing?

The burden of the lost.
My wretched sins to top it up.
It's eating me up inside.
Life sucks.

God have mercy on the lost and our unsaved loved ones.
Majesty, please equip us to make a difference.
Time is running out.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

AI-Summarizer used on Transcription from Pastors Point of View 319, by Dr. Andy Woods. On Global tyranny.

AI-Summarizer used on Transcription from Pastors Point of View 319, by Dr. Andy Woods. On Global tyranny. 

Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. (Daniel 7:23).

The text discusses global tyranny, highlighting its prophetic significance as foreseen in the Book of Daniel for the End of the Age. In Daniel 7:23, it mentions a fourth Beast representing a distinct Kingdom that will dominate the earth. This concept aligns with the idea of a runaway Global government predicted by the Bible to exist prior to Jesus' second coming. Presently, we see examples of this with the rise of global tech censorship as a form of control in society.

Many significant historical events can be traced to the UK and other European countries due to the significance of Nebuchadnezzar's Dream in Daniel 2. This dream foretold the rise and fall of empires that would impact Israel, from the Babylonian captivity to the second Advent.

The final form of government described in the dream, with feet of iron and clay and ten toes, is believed to represent a revived empire linked to ancient Rome. The ten toes, or ten horns, are seen as part of a futuristic New World Order that is eurocentric, stemming from the cultural inheritance of ancient Rome. This connection between the feet and the legs of iron signifies that the future empire will arise from the cultural legacy of Rome, playing a significant role in shaping world events. Many stories related to Tech tyranny, Tech censorship, and global censorship are emerging mostly from Europe, foreshadowing what may soon dominate the rest of the world. This shift towards a Dark Ages mentality is eroding the freedom of speech that many have fought to preserve. People are now being penalized for speech crimes, solely based on their social media posts, or even thought crimes, such as praying in front of abortion clinics. Authorities in Europe are enforcing these restrictions, leading to arrests for seemingly innocuous actions. This crackdown on free speech and individual rights is a dangerous trend that is spreading globally, starting in Europe. The principles of the Bill of Rights and freedom of speech, once foundational in western democracies, are now being threatened by this wave of censorship. The rise of Tech censorship is further exacerbating the situation, as individuals face consequences for expressing their views online. This concerning development marks a significant shift in the landscape of freedom of expression, and highlights the urgent need to protect these fundamental rights in the face of increasing control and monitoring in our digital world.

Jonathan Turley, a legal scholar, highlighted in a blog post dated August 22, 2024, that the United Kingdom is cracking down on free speech. He presented examples of individuals being arrested for seemingly harmless acts, such as sending a tweet while drunk, wearing an anti-police t-shirt, insulting someone's boyfriend, or even singing a song. These actions, which used to be protected under free speech laws, are now being criminalized. One such case involved Nicholas Brock, a Neo-Nazi, who was sentenced for his extremist views, even though he did not pose an immediate threat to others. The judge justified the harsh sentence by deeming Brock as dangerous due to his ideologies, which were considered intolerant and hateful. Furthermore, the proposed criminal justice incitement to violence or hatred and hate crimes offenses law in Ireland aims to combat toxic ideologies by criminalizing the possession of material deemed hateful, thus raising concerns about free speech rights.

Additionally, UK Home Secretary emphasized the need to crackdown on harmful beliefs, particularly online hate speech, targeting women. She stressed the importance of addressing extremism to protect communities and democracy. Cooper highlighted the rise of online radicalization among young people, which threatens social cohesion and the foundation of free speech. Moreover, the UK's laws criminalizing speech have come under scrutiny for being vague and allowing for arbitrary enforcement. For instance, the Public Order Act 1986 prohibits the expression of racial hatred, which includes speech that is deemed threatening or abusive towards a particular group or individual based on their race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin. This broad interpretation can lead to arrests based on the likelihood of stirring up racial hatred, rather than intent.

The crackdown on free speech in the UK and Europe is evident in the prosecution of individuals for their beliefs or online expressions, rather than their actions. This trend towards thought policing and restrictions on personal ideologies poses a significant threat to free speech rights and raises concerns about censorship and the erosion of democratic values.

 Jonathan Turley wrote an article titled "Free Speech CEO Becomes the Latest Target of European Censors" on August 22, 2024. The CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov, age 39, was arrested in France for not complying with demands to censor content on his messaging app. This highlights the global trend of censorship that is starting to emerge in Europe and may spread worldwide.

The situation with Pavel Durov is seen as a chilling escalation of censorship, as he created Telegram to allow for free speech. The allegations of fraud and child abuse against him seem to be exaggerated, as there is no concrete evidence of any wrongdoing. Durov's arrest sets a dangerous precedent for other tech CEOs who value freedom of speech on their platforms.

The arrest of Durov also reflects a broader issue with European laws that control speech on the internet. The vague and overbroad nature of these laws can be used to silence dissenting voices and stifle free expression. It is concerning that CEOs like Durov are being targeted and arrested for not adhering to these restrictive laws.

The actions taken by French authorities against Durov have far-reaching implications for other tech companies like Rumble and Twitter. The threat of censorship and arrest looms over any CEO who dares to prioritize free speech over government demands. The case of Durov highlights the risks associated with standing up for freedom of speech in an increasingly censorious environment.

Europe's push for stricter censorship measures is not just limited to tech companies. Politicians like Hillary Clinton are seeking to use European laws to impose censorship on Americans as well. The fear is that once tech CEOs buckle under pressure and comply with censorship demands, free speech will be severely restricted on a global scale.

The trend of targeting tech CEOs for their commitment to free speech raises concerns about the future of online discourse. The prospect of global censorship poses a threat to the free exchange of ideas and information. If governments continue to crack down on platforms that prioritize free speech, the world may see a significant erosion of online freedoms in the years to come.

In this context, the actions taken by European authorities against Pavel Durov are not just about one individual but about the broader implications for online speech and expression. Tech CEOs are increasingly being pressured to conform to government censorship demands or face severe consequences. The case of Durov serves as a cautionary tale for other tech companies that prioritize free speech in an environment that is increasingly hostile to dissenting voices.

Overall, the arrest of Pavel Durov highlights the growing threats to free speech online and the role of tech CEOs in defending this fundamental right. The global trend of censorship is a concerning development that could have far-reaching implications for the future of online discourse and information sharing. As governments continue to tighten their grip on online platforms, the fight for free speech in the digital age becomes ever more urgent.

The arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in Europe has left other tech company CEOs, like Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski, nervous about the implications for free speech. Pavlovski recently announced his departure from Europe after French authorities detained Durov. This incident has raised concerns about the chilling effect on free speech and privacy on platforms like Telegram. The investigation into Telegram's alleged failure to cooperate with law enforcement on issues like child sex abuse, drug trafficking, fraud, and terrorism is seen as an attack on free speech. Critics have raised concerns about the Digital Services Act in the European Union, which they argue could undermine free speech across the continent. The law has been criticized as vague and potentially dangerous, with recent examples of attempts to suppress freedom of expression beyond the EU borders, including warnings to Elon Musk about sharing content that European authorities deem unsafe. This trend of censorship is growing, with platforms like Rumble facing restrictions in countries like Brazil, adding to the concern about the erosion of free speech and information control.

The European Commission is investigating Telegram for potentially violating EU digital rules by providing inaccurate user numbers. The investigation is in conjunction with France's probe into criminal activity on the messaging platform, which led to the arrest of CEO Pavel Durov, who was taken into custody in Paris. The incident has sparked global reactions, with many viewing it as part of a broader Western government crackdown on free speech. The motivation behind these actions appears to be a desire to control information available on various platforms, such as limiting access to certain content and viewpoints. This trend is not limited to Europe, as it is also manifesting in countries like Brazil. The Prophet Daniel's prediction of such information control in the modern age, as described in Daniel 7:23, seems to be coming to fruition. The situation raises concerns about censorship and restrictions on what people can see, hear, watch, and read globally, impacting the flow of information and freedom of expression in various regions beyond Europe.

Politicians and former users of the online platform X expressed disapproval on social media after Brazil banned the site for failing to name a legal representative. Elon Musk criticized the Brazilian government, accusing them of crushing free speech while claiming to support democracy. He warned of similar censorship in the United States if certain candidates were elected. Musk highlighted attacks on free speech globally and emphasized the importance of paying attention to the issue. He referenced a statement from Shawn Maguire suggesting that western countries were at risk of losing their freedom of expression. Musk raised concerns about the suppression of speech in Europe and Brazil, warning that it could spread to the US. He criticized the use of broad laws to censor speech and emphasized the importance of defending free expression.

Elon Musk has expressed concerns that a potential win by Camala Harris in the upcoming election could pose challenges for his social media platform in the US, similar to what happened in Brazil. Musk highlighted the increasing attacks on free speech in 2024 and warned that if Harris and her running mate Tim Walls come to power, it could lead to restrictions on social media platforms. If Musk's predictions prove true, it could have significant implications for the social media landscape in the US, impacting user base, revenue, and overall market standing. This raises questions about the future of free speech and the role of social media platforms in political discourse. The similarities in the articles from ben. com and the concerns raised by Musk indicate a shared theme of potential threats to social media platforms under a new administration.

Meta Platforms CEO and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg admitted on Monday that the Biden administration "repeatedly pressured" his team for months in 2021 to censor content related to COVID-19, including content from ordinary Americans. (by Misty Severi is an evening news reporter for Just the News.)

Mark Zuckerberg admitted that the Biden Administration pressured Facebook in 2021 to censor Covid-19 content, including humor and satire, even from ordinary American citizens. The CEO acknowledged that the company ultimately decided what to remove and when, expressing regret for not being more vocal about government pressure. Zuckerberg also revealed that Facebook demoted a story about Hunter Biden's laptop due to FBI warnings about potential Russian disinformation, which turned out to be inaccurate. In response, he changed the company's policies to wait for fact-checking before taking action on stories. The House Judiciary Committee commended Zuckerberg's admission as a win for free speech, criticizing the government's influence on content removal during critical moments like elections and public health emergencies. The article highlights the dangers of government coercion in controlling online information and emphasizes the importance of upholding free speech rights. 



Monday, September 9, 2024

Salvation. Overcoming. Repentance.

(Salvation, Overcoming and Perservering, The Relationship and the Heart Condition, and Repentance).

1 Corinthians 3:10-15 establishes the truth about Salvation, works, and the Bema judgement.
1) Faith in Christ is the Foundation of Salvation, which only He can lay, not by our works, only His work.
- There is no Jesus + "___".
- It is by Faith ONLY, not by works. (Ephesians 2:8-10)
- He is the one who finishes the work. (Philippians 1:5-6)
- We bring nothing to the table of Salvation.
- We bring nothing to the table of Sanctification either.

2) Everything else built (works) upon that Foundation is subject to testing (Bema Judgment), as to whether it was:
- His work through you [Gold, Silver, Precious Gems]
- Your work through yourself [Wood, Hay, Stubble].
- All will get the Garment of Salvation
- some will get Robes of Righteousness
- there will be some who get crowns
- and there will be some who get no rewards at the Bema
- but they (ALL) will be saved, some as by fire (1 Corinthians 3).

3) All who call upon Him then are saved and redeemed. (Romans 10:11-14)
- All "real" believers stand before Him, because He is able to make them stand.
- All who are in Christ, will be Resurrected or Raptured at Redemption.
- None miss the Resurrection or Rapture of the body.

4) This leaves no room then for "Carnal Christian" or Christians who miss the Redemption of the Body, because they are not ready by or because of [insert falsehood here].
The Body of Christ is not joined to Him, dismembered.
We ALL (the Body of believers) will stand before Him at the Bema.
[Overcoming / Perservering]

Overcoming and Persevering is by our walk of faith in His finished work (Tetelestai), until either our death and resurrection or our rapture. It's all His work.
We overcome by our Faith, because He overcomes through us by His finished work. (1 John 5:4-5)
We will (unfortunately) trip and transgress during this limbo of life in the imperfect.
Until we either die and are resurrected, or are raptured when we all are completed in Redemption.
For this we have Jesus our advocate who is quick and willing to immediately forgive and cleanse us.
(1 John 2:1-2)
Again, He is the one who finishes the work. (Philippians 1:5-6)
It comes down to those who are "TRULY" saved, will still sin until we are perfected, but they will constantly come to the Lord for the daily washing. Remember the parable about washing the feet? (John 13)

[The Relationship - Heart Condition]
In John 10 we see this remarkable statement about those who are "In Christ" being Once Saved, Always Saved (OSAS). It is however, conditional upon a relationship with Christ, which is where most fail in their understanding of it.
| John 10:27-30
| My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me.
| I give them eternal life, and they will never perish.
| No one can snatch them out of My hand.
| My Father who has given them to Me is greater than all.
| No one can snatch them out of My Father’s hand.
| I and the Father are one.
So in that sense... Once you are saved, you will always be saved.
Why? Because you will keep coming to Him daily, overcoming and persevering until He completes you.
And again I say to you: "He is the one who finishes the work." (Philippians 1:5-6)
It is a Heart condition, a daily relationship. Not just a plane ticket or an escape plan.
How else does one know His voice, and how else does He know us? So that we never hear those terrible words of "Depart from Me for I never knew you."
But I really don't like that acronym (OSAS). It is too easy to mislead or decieve.
And the problem is, some think they are saved (and always saved), but they are not.
We are warned not to be deceived, and more importantly not to deceive ourselves.
Those who claim the name, but never really changed their ways, aren't really saved yet. They are not really Christians yet.
Anyone can claim they are a Christian. That doesn't necessarily mean they really are.
True Salvation shows the fruit of Repentance and Love, or it is doubtful True Salvation has actually occurred.
But, we only see the outward appearance, and only God knows the heart, and only God is the judge.
All the Law and the Prophets hang on the two commandments of Love. Love to, and for God, and that also of your neighbor or enemy. In effect, when you do these two, you will not break the others, because you won't want to or intend to.
It again comes back to the Heart condition, the daily relationship.

The definition of Repent/Repentance is "Change of mind, change of ways, change of thought." It does not mean "Sorrow, guilt, or asking forgiveness." Those are separate things.
There is also a distinction between Big "R" repentance and little "r" repentance:
[Salvation Repentance (Big R- Coming to Christ the first time)]
- At first repentance (Big R), you are completely washed and cleansed and receive salvation. You are sealed by the Holy Spirit unto redemption. There can be no second round of this, this is why Paul asks shall we crucify him again?
[Daily Repentance (Little r - Confession of daily sins)]
- The daily repentance (Little r) and confession is the washing and cleansing from daily sin by our advocate to the Father.
Jesus as our High Priest is the only one who can do the cleansing of the believer, either initially, or daily. It is best portrayed in John 13 by the exchange that Jesus has with Peter.

[Washing of the Disciples feet (John 13)]
Here Jesus begins to wash the disciples feet as a servant.
Peter objects, but when Jesus tells him that unless he is allowed to wash Peter's feet,
he (Peter) can have no part in Jesus (Christ). Peter then requests his whole body be washed.
Jesus tells him that once the body has been washed it is not necessary to wash it again, only that which is in need of cleansing.
What is the meaning then of this?
Our first Repentance and washing at the moment of Salvation is the (big "R") repentance, the saving Repentance.
But we also need daily washing (Little "r") repentance. You see it in the Lord's Prayer that He taught us. "Give us this day ... and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."
So the washing of the feet is the symbol of daily repentance and communion and prayer with the Lord.
Why the feet?
Jesus only needs to cleanse the feet of the believer. The part that is in contact with the ground of the corrupt world as we walk our path each day during the bearing of our crosses.
The daily sin, while we exist in this limbo before our day of perfection.
This is our purification, our refinement. And so they must be washed by Christ daily, but the whole body does not need the cleansing again.

We see the daily in the Lord's prayer even.
"Give us this day, our daily bread...
...and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us."
We still sin, and will until He comes. But we constantly bring it to the Lord.
Because we have that relationship, and the desire to please God by our faith,
and receive His faithful forgiveness when we do stumble in our walk.

Jack Nichols.

Are we Watchmen? Hebrews 13:17? Amos 3:7? Holding up an Israeli Flag and clicking pictures on social media??

“Son of man, speak to the sons of your people and say to them, ‘If I bring a sword upon a land, and the people of the land take one man from among them and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows the horn and warns the people, then someone who hears the sound of the horn but does not take warning, and a sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head. He heard the sound of the horn but did not take warning; his blood will be on himself. But had he taken warning, he would have saved his life. But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the horn and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away for his wrongdoing; but I will require his blood from the watchman’s hand.’ (Ezekiel 33:2-6).

Watchmen safeguarded fields and vineyards during harvest time (Isaiah 5:1–2; Matthew 21:33; Mark 12:1) and acted as sentinels who announced the start of a new day (Psalm 130:6; Isaiah 21:11–12).

The Bible also refers to watchmen in a spiritual sense. God appointed prophets as spiritual watchmen over the souls of His people: “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me” (Ezekiel 33:7; also Hosea 9:8).

The prophets’ job as watchmen was to urge God’s people to live faithfully and warn them of the perils involved in falling away from the Lord and doing evil. As watchmen, the prophets were also called to warn wicked people of the judgment and destruction that would come their way unless they turned from their evil ways.


Are there Prophets today?
No. We are The Body of Christ. Not Watchmen. Certainly no Prophets exist today as the canon of scripture is complete.

What about Hebrews 13:17? Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable  for you. (Hebrews 13:17). The Book of Hebrews. Why was it written? To Whom was it written? It is an encouragement / motivation to the Jewish Believers, not to lapse back into Old Testament Judaism. Don't lapse, don't retrogress. How does the author communicate this exhortation? The Author, whoever he was, communicates this exhortation and shows that what Believers already possess in Jesus Christ is higher than anything offered in that prior system in other words you already have the full revelation of Jesus, why would you knowingly retrogress and go backwards? After after all, Jesus is higher than the Angels, Moses and The Aaronic Priesthood. The Book of Hebrews is not written for The Church.

Use context, hermeneutics and discernment and see if this scripture applies to the The Body of Christ? "But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the horn and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away for his wrongdoing; but I will require his blood from the watchman’s hand." (Ezekiel 33:6). It Doesn't.

We are Eternally Secure in Christ ((John 10:28-29b; Ephesians 4:30)  "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39). We are saved by Faith, irrespective of works burnt. “If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.” (1 Corinthians 3:15).

Amos 3:7: Another passage that is often misquoted and purposely misinterpreted is Amos 3:7, "Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets." What is the context of Amos 3:7?
Brief Summary: Amos can see that beneath Israel’s external prosperity and power, internally the nation is corrupt to the core. The sins for which Amos chastens the people are extensive: neglect of God’s Word, idolatry, pagan worship, greed, corrupted leadership, and oppression of the poor. Amos begins by pronouncing a judgment upon all the surrounding nations, then upon his own nation of Judah, and finally the harshest judgment is given to Israel. His visions from God reveal the same emphatic message: judgment is near. The book ends with God’s promise to Amos of future restoration of the remnant.
Foreshadowings: The Book of Amos ends with a glorious promise for the future. “’I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them,’ says the LORD your God” (9:15). The ultimate fulfillment of God’s land promise to Abraham (Gen. 12:7; 15:7; 17:8) will occur during Christ’s millennial reign on earth (see Joel 2:26,27). Revelation 20 describes the thousand-year reign of Christ on the earth, a time of peace and joy under the perfect government of the Savior Himself. At that time, believing Israel and the Gentile Christians will be combined in the Church and will live and reign with Christ. Amos 3:7 is not addressing The Church.

What's holding up an Israeli Flag, clicking pictures and showing your support of Israel? Israel is in disbelief and lost after not accepting Jesus Christ as their Messiah. and here you are clicking pictures of yourself standing with unbelieving Israel? Where in The Bible does it say, financially support Israel ? Or give to these pastors and teachers who claim they will further sow on your behalf / give to Israel? Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. (Psalm 122:6) is being misquoted and purposely misinterpreted to extort money and support from us.

I may be wrong and judgemental, but I believe that: Likes, Sensationalism, and Money is the reason that lot of Pastors and Teachers today tell us firmly and excitedly that we are Watchmen, to indirectly and sub-consciously convey to us, that they are wise, chosen prophets of God, worthy of our Giving and Support financially. It's simply to arouse in us a feeling of belonging and having a special role in the body, that sub-consciously makes us want to GIVE more money and SUPPORT such teachers and pastors.

We are not Watchmen. Don't be deceived. We are to watch our hearts and sow/share into the lost.

Please see what "To Watch" actually means in The Bible:
(Excerpts from a Teaching by Greg Lauer).

Bible End Times Timeline Scroll. (For Printing).


Praise The Lord.

I've designed a Bible End Times Timeline Scroll. (Theology, Doctrine, Prophecy, Q & A). It Contains charts and graphics and excellent teachings by Dr. Chuck Missler, Dr. Andy Woods, Robert Breaker, Clarence Larkin, Jack Nichols, etc.

It's a free download.

It can be printed as a Scroll on Canvas, Vinyl or Paper, in 2 sizes:
96.0 inches x 32 inches.
72.5 inches x 24 inches.

Can be used to start conversations with guests and others, and in small house church gatherings. It's good to keep a copy of the PDF on your mobile phone for sharing, screenshots and discussions.
Our greatest Joy and major burden, should be reaching out to the lost, winning souls and their sustained growth.

Please kindly use and share.
Thank you. God Bless.
Project was started on 1st July, 2024.
Final Upload date: 1st September, 2024.

PDF download link: